Dear John.
Going beyond the salutation.

Using dynamic content within Marketing Automation

The B2C market has leveraged dynamic content in their Marketing Automation campaigns for some time. You can see this personalisation being used by companies like Netflix and Amazon who send tailored email campaigns based on subscriber interactions. Spotify users are also treated to their personal usage stats sent out in a dynamic email each year. The B2B industry, however, has generally been slower to utilise this practice beyond simple salutations.

There are various reasons for this. Some brands lack the knowledge of what can be achieved with personalisation, while others lack the drive to invest time and money implementing their data and technology in a more technical approach.

Below are some low-cost ways in which the Marketing Automation team at Graymatter are implementing dynamic content to improve the buyer journey and target relevant content to prospects and customers.

Email Campaigns

Graymatter recently created an email nurture campaign for Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS) to build prospect lead score with a goal to creating more Marketing Qualified Leads. We used Pardot’s engagement studio to nurture prospects, offering them blog posts, gated content and case studies to build on their score.

This is a great way to nurture leads but it could be possible to take this further by leveraging dynamic content in email campaigns to drive prospects to even more targeted content. One could, for instance, tailor the blog posts dependant on the prospect’s business size, share a gated eBook on EV tools if they’ve expressed an interest in electric vehicles, and send them case studies related to their specific industry.

All this can be done within the same campaign, making the prospect feel that the email was designed just for them. We’re not just doing this for the benefit of the recipient though. Research has proven that effective implementation can see a huge 440% ROI*.

Landing Pages

Graymatter are also working on other ways to create dynamic content to personalise the user experience. Working with VWFS | Rent-a-Car, we built a landing page that creates dynamic Google Maps directions. The dynamic content uses the prospect’s data held in Pardot to create directions from their business address to their nearest participating dealer. Using the data in this way allows us to send out a single email campaign which is unique to the individual.

Website Content

Through implementation of dynamic content pages containing data capture forms, Graymatter are able to create an enhanced user experience. Once a prospect has completed a data capture form (…known within Marketing Automation terms as ‘passing through a gate’) we can allow that gate to stay open for a specified number of days. This gives the user access to that content for a limited time before they have to fill the form in again. We could also take this further by offering tailored content based on specific field values, further building up a picture of the prospect and progressing them through the sales funnel.

So, next time you’re planning a campaign, consider using dynamic elements by personalising the content and user experience to gain richer insights and a higher calibre of Marketing Qualified Leads.